Over the years, many of our customers have had to deal with sewer issues that are costly and unpleasant to deal with. While sewer odors may be an easier fix, broken sewer leads and backups of sewer into the home are much more difficult to deal with. Until recently, there was no economic relief from homeowner’s insurance to help with the cost of sewer lead failures.
Several years ago, insurance companies began offering sewer backup coverage on homeowners’ insurance. It is usually added as a rider for an additional fee with a limited amount of coverage. Unfortunately, many people are not aware that this is available to them.
Additionally, many insurance companies have begun offering coverage to cover the lead from the house to the sewer main. This is also added as a rider for an additional cost.
While these coverage’s may not cover the total cost of a repair, it is a tremendous help, usually for a minimal cost. Some companies even offer different levels of coverage amount. We encourage you to contact your insurance company to find out if these coverage’s are available to add additional protection to your home.